Story cards

Story Cards are all about The Bridge family supporting each other through action by sharing how God is moving in us and through us. Sharing stories of what God has done and IS doing as we live for Him. It's about serving and encouraging others, such as: church plants, our home communities, work places, or family. It's about listening to the call of God in our lives and following His direction to love others. 

These Story Card opportunities are designed to help us connect with one another and pass along the comfort and encouragement God has given us. Did something from a Sunday Message speak specifically to you? Did God use a Bible verse during your devotions to bless you? Each of us has a story of God's love, comfort, provision, or direction that could encourage someone else! 

Join us as we live out 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. Become aware of how God is moving in you. It just might change a life.


Story Card #1 - Submitting to the king

“James 4 is a great reminder to rely on God rather than rely on being right. It convicts me because one of the by-products of "sitting in judgement on the law" is forgetting the heart of the father, to invite the world to enter the kingdom and enter in the rule of king Jesus. I can't accomplish the mission given to every follower of Jesus in making disciples when my quarrels and arguments push people away from the Kingdom. I pray I remember to let go and submit to God, to trust Him over being right.”

- NR (May 2, 2021)


A great friends father was passing away and he new it could be any moment but also knew he had a term to do in jail for 90 days. After prayers and talks with Jesus, They postponed the court date for 3 weeks and his father past away in that time frame and he was able to be there with him, and after that those 90 days ended up only being 10 days, So we got a double dose of Jesus in this family This was huge and people here knew it had to come from him, Thank you for showing up at a perfect time again Jesus I Love you and Praise Your Holy name,

- JS (July 2021)


I’m thankful for being able to go through covid without being fully online and being able to be in person. God has blessed me by being able to make friends from different schools.

-SS (September 2021)


I regarded this opportunity as a privilege to join with others to enter God's throne room where Jesus is in constant intercession on behalf of his church and we who are a part.
The quiet and the ambiance of the prayer room provided the perfect setting to lift my voice audibly to Heaven.
As I prayed down this list, I was especially impressed to pray for the Holy Spirit to break up the hard ground of the I-5 corridor. And to know how to be the bridge to Christ in our communities.
I was impressed to pray at length for me, us The Bridge, and other Christians across America especially to be transformed in our thinking by God's Word and infilled with the Holy Spirit so that we may discern between falsehood and truth.
I also enjoyed reading aloud the scriptures listed.
It was encouraging to be able to hand off the key to the next person!

- TK (January 2022)


We did the 24 hour prayer together as a family, so I'm speaking from my point of view, and just STARTING to pray was difficult! My kids kept asking, "why an hour?" And "why does it have to be so long?" "Why do we have to do this?" So as you can imagine, their attitude was not what I wanted and I was trying very hard not to show my annoyance. There was a moment where I was tempted to just pray on my own! Anyhow, I put a timer on, I put some music on and we pushed through and I think overall, it helped all of us to really think outside of our inner circle. We are so comfortable praying for our family and our closest friends, that when it came to praying for our school and teachers, my kids didn't know what to pray for. It was a moment for them to look at their teachers and classmates and look at what their needs are in class. They were able to pray for specific students who misbehave and talk back in class and for the teachers who are out sick to get better, but even for the teachers who are being asked to cover for other classes that they would be able to rest and stay healthy. In the end, I felt that the time spent talking about each prayer suggestion and what to pray about and reading through scriptures, helped to make things go quickly (at least for me). And yes, I would definitely do this again...even with the family

- JBS (January 2022)